Monday, January 7, 2008

Chapter 10 Assessment (pg 257 1-10)

1. The rate at which materials enter and leave through the cell membrane depends on the cell's ......
2. The process of cell division results in......
two daughter cells
3. Pairs of identical chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the..
4. If a cell has 12 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have afrer mitosis?

12 chromosomes
5. At the beginning of cell division, a chromosome consists of two.....
6.The phase of mitosis during which chromosomes become visible and the centrioles separate from one another is....
7. Metaphase is best illustrated on which figure?
Figure B
8. The timing of the cell cycle in eukaryotic cell is controlled by a group of closely related proteins known as......
9. In the cell cycle, external regulators direct cells to....
speed up or slow down the cell cycle
10. Uncontrolled cell division occure in......


Magrin said...

Great job on your posts! Remember to spell check before publishing. Keep up the good work!

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