Monday, January 7, 2008

10-3 Assessment (pg 252 1-5)

1. What chemicals regualate the cell cycle? How do they work?
Cyclins regulate the timing of the cell

2. What happens when cells do not respond to the signals that normally regulate their growth?
The form masses of cells called tumors that can damage the surrounding tissues.

3. How do cells respond to contact with other cells?
the form a mass. such as cancer

4. Why can cancer be considered a disease of the cell cycle?

It can be called a disease because it takes over the cell. It spreads throuhgout the cell and no scientist knows to stop it from spreading.

5. Write a hypothesis about what you think would happen if cyclin were injected into a cell that was in mitosis.
I think that the cell would stop the process it was in. It would come to a halt.

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